World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation - IMEKO 24th TC3 -14th TC5 - 6th TC16 - 5th TC22, Cavtat (Croacia). 11-13 octubre 2022
In this paper, a study of the deformation of a refractometer use to achieve a quantum realization of the Pascal is made. First, the propagation of the uncertainty in the measure of pressure due to mechanical deformation was made. Then deformation simulations were made with a cavity designed by the CNAM and whose results are reported in the 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR project. This step aims to corroborate the methodology used in the simulations. The pressure-normalized relative deformation of this design obtained in 18SIB04 is (-6.390 ± 0.015) × 10-12 Pa-1, the result obtained with our method is (-6.384 ± 0.032) × 10-12 Pa-1, which differs 0.001 times from the value obtained in 18SIB04. Finally, a cylindrical cavity design is presented and simulated obtaining a pressure-normalized relative deformation of (-5.758584 ± 0.00000047) × 10-12 Pa-1, which deforms 0.1 times less.
Resumen divulgativo:
Se realiza un estudio de la deformación de un refractómetro utilizado para lograr una realización cuántica de la unidad Pascal. Se calculó la incertidumbre en mediciones de presión y simulaciones de deformaciones con una cavidad diseñada por el CNAM y cuyos resultados se reportan en el proyecto 18SIB04 Quantumpascal EMPIR.
Palabras clave: Fabry-Perot; pressure measurement; refractrometry; quantum pascal
Publicado en Acta IMEKO, vol: 11, pp: 1-8, ISSN: 0237-028X
Fecha de publicación: 2022-08-19.
S. Moltó, M.A. Sáenz-Nuño, E. Bernabéu Martínez, M. N. Medina, Uncertainty in mechanical deformation of a Fabry-Perot cavity due to pressure: towards best mechanical configuration, World Congress of the International Measurement Confederation - IMEKO 24th TC3 -14th TC5 - 6th TC16 - 5th TC22, Cavtat (Croacia). 11-13 octubre 2022. En: Acta IMEKO, vol. 11, nº. 3, ISSN: 0237-028X